Train the Creators

Digital Secrets which helps to create Strong Online Courses to Build a Successful Online Business

1 Hrs



What Participant Says

If you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, author, coach or career professional who has been struggling to figure out how to earn extra income on the side, or if you want to turn your passion into a full time income, then keep reading. Below, I’ll share with you the easiest solution to overcome all of these challenges by creating and selling valuable and profitable online courses. 

Are you tired of Sunday nights spent dreading the work week?

Do you dream of passive income from online courses, but keep talking yourself out of it?

Are you looking to get into online business but don’t know where to start?

Have you launched an online course, but aren’t getting the results you expected?

Whatever your background may be, if you’ve ever thought about turning your knowledge, your unique gifts and your passion into a profitable online course, then you’ve come to the right place!

Look — there’s no doubt that you have valuable insight to share with your tribe. But that doesn’t automatically guarantee that you can connect with them and get what you’ve created in front of them. And even if you do, there’s no guarantee that your course is packaged in a way that’ll engage them and convert them into buyers.

To do all of that — and make money — you need a lot more than empty promises and hot air.

You need a plan.

You need a step-by-step guide that will walk you through every aspect of creating a course for people that’s irresistible, valuable and — most importantly — profitable.

That’s exactly what this course is.

✅ Understand Your Dream 100 Customers
✅ Craft Your Courses Curriculum
✅ Setup & Systems
✅ Mind Mapping
✅ Create Your Learning Platform
✅ Payment Gateways
✅ Chatbot Marketing
✅ Email Marketing
✅ Marketing Your Courses
✅ Nurture Your Trainee
🚀 Entrepreneurs
🚀 Graphic Designers
🚀 Students
🚀 Digital Marketers
🚀 Social Media Agency
🚀 Coaches
🚀 Authors
🚀 Experts
🚀 Trainers and many more
👉🏼 Section 01 – Dream 100 Customers
👉🏼 Section 2 – Course Curriculum Design
👉🏼 Section 3A – System & Setup
👉🏼 Section 3B – How to Create Payment Gateway
👉🏼 Section 3C – Setting Up Your School
👉🏼 Section 4 – Promotion & Sales
👉🏼 Section 5 – Email Marketing Setup
👉🏼 Section 6 – Chatbot Setup
👉🏼 Section 7 – Chatbot Tools
👉🏼 Section 8 – Chatbot Rules & Regulations
👉🏼 Section 9 – How to Build a Framework of your Courses using Mind-Map
👉🏼 Section 10 – One to one Coaching Mastery

The Course Creator

Hello ! I am Digital Mitthyl, Founder and Instructor here at Video Influencers Hub. I founded Video Influencers Hub in 2018 to create Skills, Talent and unearth the potentials of Video Marketing for Aspiring Entrepreneurs. I have been coaching 100’s of Entrepreneurs in Video Making, Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, YouTube Video Making, YouTube Channel Growth and generate Organic Internet Traffic for over a decade thereby enabling them to maximize their Income Revenue.

My Mission: To Help more than 100,000 Entrepreneurs to build their Online Business by Generating huge Internet Traffic & High Growth Sales through Video Making in 90 Days


Most frequent questions and answers

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

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